Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Confession + "Love" and "Sparkle" Watercolor Free Printables

I'm really not sure if I want to write this, but I think I should.

Can I share something really personal with you all? I'm not going to lie, I've been super busy and I feel very overwhelmed. I have been working on SO many new projects for my home... all at the same time.... and they are taking forever for me to complete, photograph and edit. So yeah, I'm very overwhelmed. But they are going to be AMAZING, so please hold onto your socks (where did that phrase come from anyways?) 

Honestly, I feel like a lousy blogger sometimes... maybe it's because I feel so much pressure to produce content, and it's a struggle for me to push out 2-3 post a week. But as one girl blogging team (with no editor or personal assistant), a stay at home mommy and wife, I have so much on my plate. But I want to be perfect. I'm so scared of not having everything together, and I hate showing anything on here that isn't perfect, isn't completely done, or looks like it's flawless and out of a magazine.. Do any of you feel that way about your life? 

I want to be transparent with you all. It blows my mind that SO MANY people actually visit my site... and yet, I am sometimes so scared to do simple things like post a facebook update, or send out an email newsletter, because it might be an inconvenience to someone. And even though thousands of people have subscribed to my social media, I can't help but feel that they don't really want to see my content, I mean, I'm just little Hannah Hathaway.

And then I get notes like this from readers:

"Never stop your work, it's amazing" 

So today I'm coming clean. I'm ditching my fears, and I'm going to stop comparing myself to others, and am going to STOP being a performer, because I have been reminded why I am doing this in the first place: Because I LOVE it, and it is my PASSION!

Thank you all for your support, and in the next few days I will have some super exciting home DIY related posts up about my blog station! 

In the meanwhile, I want you to remember to focus on what you LOVE and SPARKLE while you are doing it! (lame tie to the printables in today's post, haha!)

Now that I poured out my little heart to you all, here are the full digital previews of each printable, and all of the variations these two they come in.

Now for my normal, boring terms of use:

This printable is free for personal use, and is not to be sold or distributed. See my Terms of Use included in the folder for more info.

 If you are having issues using this download link, please reference my FAQ post HERE to troubleshoot it.
Some of the printables in this collection use watercolor Textures from Craftberry Bush (found HERE) To learn how to make your own watercolor Word art, visit my post  HERE

I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you for giving me a reason to be here, at home, blogging my heart out! XOXO

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