Thursday, November 5, 2015

Baby It's Cold Outside Free Printable

Hi everyone! Hope you all are staying warm and not on the road like I am! :)

On Wednesday morning I moved out of my apartment in Florida and drove 12 hours to Cincinnati with my mom and daughter. It was the first leg of our trip moving me back up to New England while my husband is in Virginia finishing up his training. Then we had to leave Cincinnati early yesterday because of the ice and snow storm... and we ended up in a hotel in the middle of Pennsylvania. So as of right now, we have 7 more hours of driving left. 

June has been a trooper and I'm praying that she can last a few more hours without crying! 

Anyways, with that said, between packing and moving this week, I didn't have enough time to put together a font or graphic collection for you all, but I do have a fun Christmas Printable for you all! 

This printable comes in two sizes, the first is is a standard size 8.5 x 11" print, and the second  is 24 x 36"

If you go to Staples, you can get the 20x35 size printed for about $3 as an "Engineer Print." The paper is super thin, but it's cheap and perfect for framing fro a full size chalkboard effect. 

As always, this printable is free for personal use, and is not to be sold or distributed. See my Terms of Use included in the folder for more info.
Have fun!

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