Thursday, November 5, 2015

Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Chicken Breasts


A little boy I know once told his mom that he, 
"Didn't want to get married." 
When asked why, he said, 
"Because I don't want to share the bacon!" 

Bacon does make everything wonderful. :)

Here's my take on "Bacon Wrapped Chicken Breasts."

You will need:
1 cup of diced zucchini
1 cup of diced tomatoes
1 cup of diced onion
1 cup of diced bell pepper 
2 tbs Butter (for sautee)
2 tbs Butter (for basting)
Salt & Pepper to taste
Itallian Bread Crumbs

About 2-3 chicken breasts
and of course, BACON! :)

Dice up all your veggies the same size so they will cook evenly.

Saute them in butter until the onions become semi translucent. Add Italian Seasoning, salt and pepper & any other seasoning you like to it.

I was a bit unconventional here (just working with what I had on hand)...
I sliced my chicken breasts (cause that's the only chicken I had) to make them thinner & then pounded them with a pan. Hey you do what you gotta do.

Put a heaping spoonful of the filling on top of the chicken breast, roll it, and then wrap it in bacon & secure with tooth picks.

Season with some more salt and pepper, plop your butter in there, and bake at 350 until your chicken is cooked all the way thorough. While it is cooking, baste it with the butter you put in the pan.

Finish it off with broil to get that bacon extra crispy.

Serve hot dressed in it's own cooking juice. This is really yummy. 

My husband doesn't eat cheese, but I bet this would be really good with some sort of cheese included too!


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