Thursday, November 5, 2015

DIY Antler Plaque

When I told my sister I was putting antlers up on my wall she said "ewww!!" I probably would have had the same reaction a few years ago, but lately I have become obsessed with antlers. I'm sure it's partially to blame on Liz Mare's Blog (who is also one of my favorite bloggers ever) and also because I've designed several GORGEOUS antler logos recently (to see one of them, check out Brittany's Logo HERE)

I just HAD to incorporate some antlers into my new work space (see the reveal HERE!) They add a touch of rustic charm to the space & I am loving how they turned out. 

So, I am not really into putting real dead animals on my wall (that would seriously be eww, and sad. I'm a huge animal lover :) but I have no problem using antlers. Especially since they can often be found in the woods, and are a part of a deer naturally shedding their rack. My husband has a big box full of things he's collected ranging from antlers to turtle shells. I still haven't found a use for the turtle shells... (probably going to go into the eww category)... but I am seriously taking advantage of the free antlers! I have a few more projects that I've done with them since... but those are top secret! *shhhh*

For this project, all you need are:
-A Plaque (I cut mine out with a jigsaw)
-A Drill with a Drill Bit
-Some Screws

To mount your own antlers into a plaque, first plan out where they will be attached, and mark the spot where you need to drill.

Now to pre-drill your hole for the screw. This step is very necessary, because bone is much harder than wood, and you won't be able to screw directly into the antlers. (BTW, I would not recommend drilling into your hand - the above photo is for illustrative purposes on where to drill - not how to do it :) 

That leads to a quick disclaimer: No Deer, or (or human hands) were harmed in the making of this tutorial. ;)

So, go ahead and drill into the antler. Again, it's bone, so it can be time consuming. Personally, for me it took about 5 minutes to figure it out. But it depends on how strong you are, how much pressure you can put in the drill, and how good your drill & drill bit are. Just don't give up. Your antler's will look AWESOME! I promise.

Oh yeah, expect a weird smell... it's the bone dust. Gross, huh? 

Above is my antler all ready for the screws!

To attach to the plaque, pre-screw your screw into the exact place you will be attaching the antlers. Only screw them in 1/2 way. Next, place your first antler's hole on top of the screw, flip it over while holding the antler in place, and screw. You probably want the antler and plaque to be sandwiched on top of a table, allowing you to put pressure on the drill, making the screw attatch tightly.

You may need to add a second screw per antler for stability to make sure it will stay in place. But you don't need to pre-drill for the second screw.

Add some hanging hardware and you are done! I just used two tacks with a string tied in between them. Are you starting to know me as the "work with what you've got on hand" girl? Because that's who I am!

I painted the top of my plaque, leaving the sides raw, because I liked it that way. :)

Now you have pretty antler wall decor!

What are your thoughts about antlers? Yay or Nay? Trendy or Classic? 

Have a wonderful weekend & be on the lookout for more awesome projects next week! XOXO

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