Thursday, November 5, 2015

DIY Wall Decal for $1 {$55 Little Girl Playroom}

My daughter's playroom had tons of blank wall space that I wanted to transform without painting or putting holes in the wall. After brainstorming, I glanced over at my craft supplies and saw my stash of white poster boards and my stick and mount tape... *IDEA!* 

I've always loved the idea of a classy decal- but for a good sized one running on average $30, they have always been too pricey for my taste.

It hit me, "Why can't I make one myself?"

So I drew out my pattern freehand on my poster board. This is where I got my inspiration from. 

Next, using regular coloring pencils (the cheap type!) I filled in all of the pattern. I made some of the edges darker, giving contrast and interest to the drawing.

Super easy.

My little helper wanted to try her hand at it too.

Now for the wall decal part. First, I taped it on the wall in the exact place and position I wanted it.

Next, I started cutting into the board and cut out the center, while having the poster still taped to the wall. I also cut off a little bit of the edges of each piece to make sure there was no white on the edge.

Now I used my stick and mount tape to adhere the cut out poster to the wall. You only need a very little bit of stick and mount because it's very lightweight. Also, before putting your decal up, test out your tape adhesive to make sure that you don't pull off any of your paint or wall (especially if you're renting!)

Stick your cut out poster back into the spot you cut it out from. This will ensure that the position is the same as in the drawing.

Now repeat all of the above steps until all of your decal is up on the wall!

And you are done!

I love how the stick and mount makes it 3-d by not putting it flat up against the wall.

I put it in the entrance of the room. And as the first thing I see every time I enter the room, an instant flood of happiness floods me! :)

Wall Decal 1.67
30 cent Posterboard
$1.37- stick and mount tape

Make sure to check out all the other posts in this series!

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