Thursday, November 5, 2015

Finally Sharing Progress: My Blogging Station Reveal!

Hey guys! This post has been a long time in coming. Honestly, I feel like crying now that I am finally publishing it. Last week I shared a very personal "confession" about feeling not adequate with keeping up with my blog (read it HERE), and just so overwhelmed with life in general. To my surprise, I received so many amazing encouraging emails from (lots of them were several pages long too, haha!)

You. Guys. Thank you from the deepest part of my heart everyone! I want to cry! (Now you've pushed me over the edge! :)

So I would like to dedicate this post to all of you who have believed in me and my little blog, and stuck with me though the good (as in lots of content) times and the bad times (as in all those embarrassing times when I barely posted anything!)
My life has been crazy, with my husband in the Marines, and a little two year old keeping me busy. But I am in a huge turning point in my life. I am so grateful, because for the first time in our almost FOUR years of marriage, Silas and I have a home. I can finally make things look pretty, and take out the dishes I got as a wedding present. Silas and I are finally putting together our dream home. God has been so good to me & given me the desires of my heart, I just had to wait a little. :)

That's a lot of sappiness for just one post, but I can't help it. I went from living with basically nothing for three years, and now I am finally able to put my home together, in MY STYLE (but still on a budget! ;) and I can share it with you all without feeling ashamed about the condition of my house, because my current one is SO gorgeous (to me at least, haha!)

Enough of me. Let me show you my new space!

This was the space right after we moved in. Everyone who follows me on instagram (If you aren't yet, then you totally SHOULD! Find me HERE ;) probably remember me hinting about the awesome things I wanted to do with this space. It turned out slightly different than my sketch. But I think it looks even better than what I had imagined.

Here is my little laptop (which actually basically died on me tonight!) It is soon to be replaced by a new one... or a desktop. Any recommendations for a good graphics computer anyone? In the meanwhile I'm stealing my husband's laptop... resulting in less World of Tanks time for him. Love you Babe! ;)

We built some much needed shelving for all of our books. It's meant to be an extension of the desk, so it was made with the same materials, and is the same height as the desk.

This is my happy corner right here. Some of you may have already seen my DIY juice glass succulent vases (found HERE) Aren't they darling? And then there is my adorable printable calendar. If you haven't already, downloaded it, it's free and has all of 2014. Get it HERE. I stole the antlers from one of Silas's "bachelor" boxes of stuff he had in the garage. I used to think antlers as wall décor looked so gross, but they have grown on me a ton in the past year, and I just had to include them... especially since Silas has a whole box of ones he collected in the woods when he was growing up (insert sentimentality)

I wanted to decorate in three colors, (or four if you include the natural wood tone):

White, Gold, and Teal.

Teal and turquoise are my favorite colors ever. I can't get enough of them (poor Silas!) Basically all my clothes are some shade of turquoise. Haha!
Here you can see how the bookshelf tucks in behind the desk. We didn't want to build our furniture too custom for the space, as we will definitely move in the future, but it really fits nicely.
I Heart Succulents. And these ones haven't died on me yet!
Can you tell I have an obsession with baskets? They just make a space so homey.

And what artist can go without a place for her pens and pencils? I was afraid June would be able to reach these too easily, but so far so good.

Remember those GORGEOUS paper rose and ranunculus flowers I made (find them HERE & HERE)? They are perfect right by my computer station.

More gold and white. Because I love them that much.

Are you being snoopy and reading the titles on my books? Why yes, I LOVED Redwall when I was growing up. Can't wait to read them with my kids. And the football books are Silas's.

I love this whole little corner of my desk. I made this clock years ago, and I finally have a beautiful home to display it in.

Now for all the resource and tutorial breakdowns.
The large vases and all the Baskets are from TG Maxx and Homegoods.
The Turquoise Pitcher Vase & the White Apple are also from TG Maxx.
The white dwarf vase is thrifted.
The gold juice glasses and succulents are from good old Walmart.
The gold accessories and vases are all thrifted.
The White Teacup Pencil Holder is actually a plant pot, and from Home Depot.
The rug is from Target.
The Chairs were given to us.
And, as I said earlier, the antlers were found in the woods, and no animals were harmed in the production of this post. ;)
As for all the projects, here they are all listed below. If they don't already have links, they will have follow up tutorials posted soon.
We made the desk.
We built the bookshelf.
I painted the chairs.
I mounted the antlers and carved a plaque out of wood.
I made the clock.
I painted most of the vases (all of the gold ones, and most of the white ones)
I made the succulent vases (HERE)
I made the roses and ranunculus flowers (HERE & HERE)
The Calendar was designed by me and can be downloaded HERE.
The Desktop Background was also designed by me, and I will be sharing it as a free download very soon.
 You wouldn't believe how much work I put into this space. But it was so worth all the waiting, hard work and tears that it took to put it together.
Hope you all love it as much as I do. It's still a work in progress. I'll be posting all the "how to's" for the space soon. But right now I am going to start working on other awesome spaces in my new home.

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