Thursday, November 5, 2015

HELP! Which one?

Did you know that today is "Don't Judge Another Person by the Looks of Their Garage" Day? Okay, not really, but for the sake of this post, it is! Haha!

Alright everyone, I need your creative juices! I'm kinda stuck on a project. 

I have this dresser, whom I hate.

Here it is in all it's ugly splendor:

It was give to us when we first had June, and we took it... it moved with us, and since we have it I am kinda stuck using it as June's dresser. A note to the poor (aka ME), "You use what you have," right?

I'm trying to make the best of it, but it's old and totally not my style. I stripped all the molding off of it to give it clean lines. But now I'm stuck with the drawers. Some of them are curvy... and textured, and I want a clean slate look for the drawers. 

So using a little bit of photoshop help, I came up with two alternatives. 

Option number 1 keeps the drawers, but paints them coral (probably will stenciled the inside of them too) I love the color this will bring to her white room! 

Option number 2 totally gets rid of the drawer faces, replacing them with this awesome pallet I have.

My husband will probably look at me like I'm crazy if I ask him to help me with this one because to him it looks just fine... I mean, it's only a dresser.... (He's probably reading this right now!) To my amazing husband: I love your practical nature that keeps me from going too crazy babe!

But I love the rustic look to it, and it would go great with the theme of her room..

Sooooo, what do YOU THINK? 

#1 or #2?????

Let me know in the comments below!

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