Thursday, November 5, 2015

How to Add Color to Your Digital Graphics in Photoshop

How are you all doing? Hope you are having a warm spring like me! :)

Since moving into our new house, we have been so busy finding a place for everything... and really, only the kitchen is "all put together." Everything else will take some time to get it fully where I want it to be. Today I am going to be working on a super fun construction project that Silas and I came up with. I can't wait to share it with you guys!

In the meanwhile, I have a super fun graphic related project for you guys!

Here's a little secret for you all: I never went to school for graphic art. it's something I definitely could learn a lot from, but at the same time, I have learned so much by just playing around with various software throughout the years. I started working in photoshop when I was about 16, and I played around with my artwork until I figured out how to use it. My methods may not always be the easiest or most conventional (I still have so much to learn!) but I've picked up a few tricks along the way. This is a tutorial on one of my most used processes in designing digital graphics: How to add color to flat, blank digital graphics 

To download my collections of freebie graphics, visit my "digital graphics" section HERE

To see my post on how to turn your drawings into black digital graphics, go HERE.

Adding color is my FAVORITE part of designing. I kinda view it comparable to when God gave Adam and Eve their first breath... okay, not as spectacular, but you get the point.


So that's my process! It's so much fun to create a splash of color, making the world a prettier place!

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