Thursday, November 5, 2015

How to use Polaroid Graphics for your Instagrams

I am finally at the accumulative point in my military life as a Marine Wife, when I will finally be able to live with my husband in the same place! For those of you who don't know, my husband is in the Marines, and has been in training for over a year.  And in a week or so (the date got pushed back again, UGH!), we will finally be moving to our permanent duty station! Yay!

I am really exhausted right now, and I know that it's going to get really crazy with the big move in a few days, but I wanted to make sure to put up some fun tutorials so there won't be a huge gap in my blogging. 

This tutorial is intended to show you how to layer the polaroid graphics I shared with you all a few days ago, and use them as instagram photos.

To download the Polaroid Graphics used in this tutorial, go HERE.

Repeat the above step with the photo you want to use beneath the polaroid graphic.

Again, the Polaroid Graphics used in this tutorial, can be found HERE.

Have a lovely day everyone!!!

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