Thursday, November 5, 2015

Oreo Pops!

When I saw this idea on "Hip Hip Hooray" I just HAD to do it!

I mean, it's cake pops without all the work (& it's just as cute!)

All you need for these guys are:
 (Any kind works. We used Berry Burst Ice Cream Oreos)
-Lolly Pop or Popsicle Sticks  
(or Sis-kabob Sticks- what I used)
20 oz. Melted White Chocolate  
(we used an almond bark bar) 
A Tsp. of Oil  
(to thin out the white chocolate)

First, assemble your Oreos and lolly pop sticks. I used skewers because I needed them for a taller presentation, but I have also heard that popsicle sticks work really well too.

Next, melt your Chocolate (with the oil in it.) 
Whether you are using your microwave or a double boiler, check and stir your chocolate often!  

You should have a nice liquidy consistency.  We found that we didn't add enough oil to the chocolate, as it was a little too thicker than we would have liked it to be. So we ended up needing more chocolate to coat all the oreos than we should have. 

Dip your Oreo pops into the chocolate- but don't leave them in too long or they will melt & fall apart.

If your oreos fall apart, either dispose of them (aka eat them) or just piece them back together. Both ways work. :)

 Dress them up with Sprinkles & let them harden on your wax paper!

There you are! That was easy, wasn't it?

You should have about 30 oreo pops... if you didin't eat any of the... "defect" ones... :P

We ended up with 18. :)

These are a BIG hit.

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