Thursday, November 5, 2015

Strawberry, Blueberry, Lemon Glaze Muffins ♥

When I was in recovery after having my baby girl, my sisters made me some yummy blueberry bread with a lemon glaze! It was so welcome(Thanks Grace, Georgia, Laurel & Jordan)! I didn't want to eat the yucky hospital food.

So, here I re-created this yummy bread in the form of a muffin.
These are the most yummy & fluffy muffins I have ever had!

Strawberry, Blue Berry, Lemon Glaze Muffins! (Makes 24)

For the Muffins:
4 Cups Flour
1 tsp salt
 3 tsp Baking Powder
2 cups sugar
 2  Sticks of Butter
4 Eggs
1 cup Milk
4 Cups FRESH (not frozen... it makes a difference!)Blueberries
1 Cup Strawberries

For the Glaze:
1 Cup of powdered sugar
3 T lemon juice
1 drop of Lemon food coloring (optional)


Measure out all the flour.


Add your Salt.

Add your Baking Powder.

Add your Sugar.


Add your Eggs and Butter.
Your butter should be just a little firmer than room temperature.  (This the SECRET to fluffy muffins!)

Use your Mixer Wisc. Yup. You hear me. It will make your batter as fluffy as frosting. 

So Whip it up!

Now add the Milk.

Your batter should look creamy now.


 Now for the berry goodness. (A note on why not to use too many strawberries: They are so high in moisture that they will make the muffins fall apart when taken out of the pan)


Toss your Blueberries in a sprinkling of four. It will prevent the batter from turning purple & help the berries to distribute evenly.

When you add your berries, do not mix them with the mixer! Stir them in by hand!

 Put Batter into a buttered pan (Butter the top of the pan too so the muffin tops won't come off.) 
Bake them at 350 for about 30 minutes, or until they are a light golden on top.

For the Glaze, add the lemon and the (optional) food coloring together and mix with a fork.

After muffins have cooled down, dip them in the glaze.

There you have it!

These are soooooooooooo Yummy! I have never had such fluffy & delicious muffins! If they last more than a couple of minutes once they are out of the oven, pop the back in the oven to reheat for about 5 minutes and they will be just as fresh!



Hope you make & love them (eating them all without sharing counts too!)

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