Thursday, November 5, 2015

The post that made me sick... literally! :)

Sooooo... I am making it public now! 

We are expecting baby # 2 here in the Hathaway Household!

As excited as I am, so far this pregnancy has been SO much harder than when I had June. And I was so intent that this time around, I would be the fittest, most healthy mommy, which would help postpartum me "bounce back" easier. 


That so isn't happening right now.

This time around I have had such intense morning sickness, while with June, I can only remember feeling nauseous once. Yep, that's right. I didn't realize how lucky I was to have almost no morning sickness! Now, June did give me terrible heartburn the whole pregnancy, so I didn't consider that part lucky. ;)

I'm almost in my second trimester (one more week to go!) but all I feel like doing is sleeping... like I make June take naps so I can too! Haha!

Anyways, I wanted to tell you all so you can 1) celebrate with me, and 2) understand why I haven't been as diligent with the blog, even though I have a zillion projects on my camera card. I mean, when it comes to sleeping or editing pictures... I'll let you guess which one I pick most the time.

People who already knew the news were begging me for a baby belly photo... so  this is my gift to them. I'm only 12 weeks, but I wanted it to look like an actual baby bump, so I ate a dozen chocolate chip cookies, inhaled deeply, and held my breath. Ahem.

So guess what I'm going to go do now... Haha! Hint: throw up or sleep. I'm hoping sleep.


This post is dedicated to all you wonderful mommies who knows what it feels like to do everything to fight the gag reflex, even though our husband's think we should just, as my two year old would say, "let it go!"

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