Thursday, November 5, 2015

Use Cookie Cutters to "Write Shapes" on Greeting Cards!

I've been doing so much letter writing the last 2 months (my husband is at USMC Boot Camp and I've been writing him a letter every day) 

I am one of those people who just can't stand buying cards. I prefer to make them. Before we got married, my husband and I made it a tradition to create personal cards for each other instead of buying pre-made ones. I treasure all those hand made cards. It's really romantic, actually. :)

So with all my letter writing these last weeks, I've been having fun coming up with card designs. One idea that I came up with was to use a cookie cutter as a template for "writing a shape" on the front of the card.

You don't have to use a cookie cutter though. Just draw and then cut out your shape on a sheet of paper. 

The cookie cutter part is just to make it easier for people who hate freehand drawing. :)

Here is how I made my Heart Card:

Super easy! 

You can make it personal or fill it with a poem or verse. Think of all the shape possibilities! They are only limited by the shapes you can come up with!

Have fun!

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