Thursday, November 5, 2015

And He Swept Me Off My Feet...

Today is my second Anniversary! Wow. I am SO blessed to be married to the man of my dreams. 

He makes me laugh so much (even when we "argue" he makes me laugh and smile!)

There is never a boring moment with you Silas! 

You just sweep me off my feet.

I am so amazed that God gave me such a wonderful man. I never could have dreamed of being so lucky!

You are so amazing! We have been through so much together, and it hasn't all been "fairy tale" and "picture perfect" either, so I know we can make it through anything with our love for each other and our love for God! Baby, I am so excited we get to spend the rest of our lives together!

Thanks for asking me to be a part of the Grand Adventure of being your wife! <3

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