Thursday, November 5, 2015

Design In Bloom

Remember when I made those painted flowers and microwaved them? Yeah THAT time. It turned out pretty cool, right? 

Well, I am super excited because those microwaved flowers made their way into an awesome book. You heard right: I had a tutorial published in a book! 

Naturally I am SO excited. When I started this little blog of mine, I didn't do it with the intent of "blogging for money" or to get published. I just wanted to share my passion of crafting (for free), and love for creating beautiful things. I am so grateful to God for giving me all these fun ideas and talents, and so thankful for all of you, my lovely readers.

I honestly can't believe how far this blog has come, but it has been such a fun journey. You can get the book for yourself by going HERE, or hop on over HERE to see the full tutorial for free.

Have a lovely week everyone! XO

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