Thursday, November 5, 2015

Kitchen Reno

This week I literally feel in over my head with how much I have going on. All good things though! :)

The biggest one is we are redoing our kitchen!!! AHHHHHH! SO excited!!!

We already bought a new fridge to replace our "newly married" not so gorgeous $100ish craigslist fridge... hey, it worked though. ;)

Basically, we have already sanded (which was a pain!!!) and painted most the wall cabinets white.

Now we just need to paint the doors with our snazzy new paint gun, add the hardware, tile the backsplash (white subway!!!) and add tall molding & encase the fridge... 

Okay, so that's a lot to do. But I am so stoked to be starting this! :)

Here is a quick preview of what I have in mind reno-wise. Decorative Hood, lengthening the cabinets with molding, encasing the fridge, and subway tile with a dark grout, etc.

We bought this house with the intent of "dressing it up" to sell. With that said, we don't want to personalize it too much because we will be selling it in a year or two.

As you can see, there is this wall in our kitchen along the sink dividing the kitchen from the living room... it isn't the worst layout choice, but we have considered taking it down to open up the layout. But then we would lose the upper cabinets. 

Q: Which would you prefer as a buyer? More Storage Space, or an open view to the kitchen?

Q: Does this color of laminate look okay? We don't really feel  like dropping 2K on counters... And laminate is standard for this price range in the area. I love concrete, butcher block, and stone counters, but I don't know if it's worth it to touch perfectly good laminate.

Q: White or Dark Grout for the tile?

Okay, I am off to play with the paint gun!

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