Thursday, November 5, 2015

Old Dresser Redo

It's amazing what paint can do!

I'm a big fan of reusing & re-finishing furniture. Sure, it is nice to buy new. But there is something so satisfactory about getting something for free (or cheap) that has been used, and transforming it into something fresh and beautiful.

We were given four used dressers several years ago. We redid one (which is now in our master bedroom), used one in June's room (see how we refaced it with pallets, HERE) gave one away because we didn't have room, and held onto this one in case we ever would need it.

Jason's nursery was the perfect place for it, but I wasn't crazy about it's current finish.

So we Stripped the fancy molding off the sides to give it clean lines, deglossed it, sanded it down, repainted it, and added some fresh, modern hardware.

Now I LOVE it! 

When you are young & just starting out, it's nice not to have to pour a ton of money into furniture. It's amazing what the cost of paint & some new hardware can do to a piece of furniture.

 All the new posts from this series are listed below:

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