Thursday, November 5, 2015

How To Use A Printer For Ink Image Transfers- A New, Easier Method Without Wax Paper!

Hey everyone! So I have a super cute DIY to share with you guys today. Probably all of you who are on pinterest have seen the idea of printing on wax paper & transferring it onto something else. It's super cool, right? Well, I tried it following the tips from a few different posts, but I could not for the heck of me get my printer to accept the wax paper. It kept pulling the wax paper off the sheet, and getting the tape on the insides of my printer. I just spent more than several hundred dollars on that baby, it's state of the art, and I did not want to break it. So I started brain storming, thinking that there must be a better way to do this.


You know those clear plastic page covers for three ringed binders? 

Yep... my husband has hundreds of them in some ugly white binders full of Football history & Patriots newspaper clippings. They are dear to his heart, and it's the best place to store them, but I think our pretty bookshelf could do without them. ;)

Anyways, I thought that a plastic sheet would do the trick. So I stole one out of his books. Just kidding, I asked and he got one for me. He's s nice. ;)

Then I made this image using this super cute bike graphic from Graphic Stock. I seriously love them. Lots of adorable rustic images on that site. 

Make sure to flip the image so when you transfer it it will show up correctly. I almost forgot to do this. Lol. 

HERE is the bike image I used.

And HERE are some more super cute ones from them too.

If you aren't already a member, you can download these graphics using a 7 Day Totally Free Trial where you can download 20 images per day, and keep them even if you decided not to continue the trial. And they are royalty free! 

If you want to just go ahead and sign up for a membership without the free trial, I have a 80% off discount code for you HERE. 

But back to the tutorial on how I dressed up this super cute chest my husband made for me. :)

So I took the plastic sheet holder and cut off the part where the holes are. Make sure to still keep it in it's "pocket form" though (as in, don't cut the edge off too close to the sheets- they need to still be functional)

Next, I slid a normal 8.5x11" piece of paper in for stability, and ran it though. It slid in beautifully just like I expected. YAY!

Very carefully, making sure not to smudge the ink, I moved the sheet over to my trunk, and slid the page out of the plastic sheet. You want to be able to see where you are placing your image, right?

Then I flipped the page over, ink side down, and carefully placed the image face down onto the wood. 

Make sure whatever surface you are doing this too is porous & will accept ink.

Making sure not to nudge the image, I carefully glided over it with a roll of tape. You can use whatever to do this part. I just was too lazy to get a credit card out of my purse.

At this point, you can lift the sheet off & look in awe of how amazing your ink transfer looks. Wasn't that easy?! Rub a clean sheet of paper using the same method to transfer the image to get rid of any excess ink. 

My first thought was "What else in my house can I do this to?" Since you can seriously personalize something with this method, you could seriously make an adorable wedding gift too, btw. 

Doesn't it look s cool? I am in love! Well I'm off to find something else to try this trick on!!!!

Again, to use the same graphic I used, sign up for your seven day free trial HERE, and download the image HERE.

This post was sponsored by Graphic Stock, and affiliate links are included. All opinions are my own, because I only promote things that I love and think you will love too! :)

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