Thursday, November 5, 2015

DIY Ammo Can Diaper Box

I wanted to do something fun & creative for diaper storage for Jason's nursery.

When I decided to do a vintage USMC theme in the space, I got the idea to use an ammo can. It probably sounds weird to some people, but I thought it would be a great statement piece. And get it: Ammo- Diapers? Diapers are certainly a mom's ammo. Haha!

I couldn't find one for less than $20... and then I remembered that I had the right paint color & lots of boards left over from his airplane. So I got my build on & grabbed some supplies. 

These are the basic cuts I made for the box. I decided to keep it open, rather than having a lid.

I screwed the corners together by using corner braces. It was super easy.

Don't mind the yellowish photos, most my projects take place at night... thus the ugly colored photos. :P

Since we used shelving boards, we screwed the base and lower edges together as well.

I painted it using grey & green paint, and then hand lettered the wording on. 

It's much better than having a bag or box of diapers laying around. To refill I just push the plastic holding the diapers down.

 All the new posts from this series are listed below:

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