Thursday, November 5, 2015

Our New Home (FINALLY!)

June and I got to our new home late last Thursday night. It was a LONG drive, but we did it! 

And we are finally with Silas! This is a landmark I've been waiting for for over three years... I've looked foward to the time when we would move out of state and have our own place together. After three years of marriage, one two year old, and one year in the Marines, that time has finally come!

It definitely took longer than I had anticipated to get to this point, especially because of the year of separation due to Silas's training in the USMC, but all the hardship of waiting and being patient are gone now, and I am back with my man! God has been so good to me, and our new home is GORGEOUS! He heard all my little prayers about a new house, down to the stairs and wood floors! :)

I have to admit I was worried about how June would react having her daddy in her life again. I've really been the only constant denominator in her life for the past year, and for a two year old, that's half of her life. I made sure to show her pictures of him and her together all the time, and when we made the trip here, I kept on telling her we were going to see Dadda. I am SO happy, because she knew right away who he was, and she loves it when he carries her around... and that is a HUGE relief for me because that "mommy obsessed" little girl, has given me some serious arm muscles the past year! Haha!

It was such an answer to prayer that she picked up her daddy daughter relationship without any problems. In fact,  June was SO beyond excited to see "Dadda" again, that when Silas had to leave early in the morning for work the first morning we got here, June woke up, looked around frantically, crying and pulling me out of bed saying "I want Dadda!" 


She also cried when he had to leave for the dmv after getting home from work too... Someone is a daddy's girl!

Our Moving truck is supposed to get here tomorrow... once we unpack and figure out where everything goes, I am going to be full force blogging, building, and crafting. This girl has three years of Pinterest Project Inspiration to get out of her blood! 

Anyways, that's what is going on in my life right now.

Stay Tuned! :)

To download the Polaroid Graphics I used in the post, visit this post HERE.

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