Thursday, November 5, 2015

The secret to making your Blog Tutorial & Etsy Photos Clean and Professional! {for only 60 ¢}

I get lots of people asking me how I get the white backgrounds in my photography for both my blog tutorials and my etsy photos. So today I thought I would share my method. 

The great thing about it is you can pretty much use any camera.

And the backdrop only costs 60 ¢ ! 

All you need is natural lighting, a chair, a board, tape, camera, and two 30 ¢ poster boards from Walmart.

Just place your item on the white poster and snap away, adjusting for your angles and depths. I like to shoot in as natural lighting as possible.

Instead of putting the posters at a 90 degree angle, which would give a harsh line in my photos, I adjust it to a curve, so it looks like a continuation of the first board.

Next you crop your image, and then play with the contrast in the white background to make it more seamless. 

If you don't own photoshop, I recommend trying Picmonkey out!  

Clean photographs can change your blog tutorials, or merchandise, from "Anyone could have done this" to "Wow! This looks professional!" 

And the funny thing is, as you and I now know, you don't have to be a professional photographer to get this reaction! Anyone can easily use this method!

So stay away from clutter, especially if you are selling a product! 

If you want your photos to look super clean and professional, give it a try! It really doesn't take much more work than taking photographs on your table or deck (and the results are so much prettier!!!)

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