Thursday, November 5, 2015

"Love Bravely" and "Get Your Blog On Girl" Free Watercolor Printables

Hello Everyone! I hope you are all feeling better than I have been. Although, I can't complain because I love feeling my little baby moving around... and I am officially in my second trimester as of today! YAY!

Want to know a little secret? The husband and I are looking for a fixer upper. We actually found one that we LOVE (it is seriously adorable) but I don't know if we will go though with it. Especially since it seems to have a big mold problem . Mold is actually one of the smaller issues this almost 100 year old house has, believe it or not... With that said, mold isn't a very livable problem for a little one, a pregnant me, and a husband who is hyper mold sensitive. Bummer.

So we are on the lookout for something slightly less daunting. 

I will keep you all updated with that process! But back to today's printables. I fully believe in loving unconditionally. It takes a "brave" person to show this kind of love. Thus today's printable "Love Bravely."

The other one is purely for fun (and blog lovers! :)

Below are the full digital previews, as well as all of the variations these two printables come in.

Now for my normal, boring terms of use:

This printable is free for personal use, and is not to be sold or distributed. See my Terms of Use included in the folder for more info. 

Some of the printables in this collection use watercolor Textures from Craftberry Bush (found HERE) To learn how to make your own watercolor Word art, visit my post  HERE.

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