Thursday, November 5, 2015

Sneak Peak Preview of June's New Room!


So for the past few months since moving, I have been using my DIY to create a budget friendly, renter friendly, and military mobile bedroom for June.

And FYI: almost EVERYTHING in this room was made by me. I love DIY.

You may have seen my earlier version of this room from when I moved down to Florida, HERE.

Well, now that we are putting down "roots" (as in, here for at least a year, lol) I can finally add more to her space, now that everything doesn't have to fit into my car in case of relocation.

I have been drawing and painting animals since I was little. I grew up reading Beatrix Potter's stories and loved copying her artistic style. I drew and painted on whatever I could get my hands on, resulting in hundreds of sketches on all sorts of paper mediums. 

Since June is taking after her animal loving mommy, I wanted to incorporate lots of animals into the design.

I wanted to give her a functional space to play and read.

I won't give away everything about the space just yet, but you all deserve a peak into all the projects that have been occupying my time.

I had SO much fun in this space.

And I just had to throw in a small cameo for the two projects that really started my blog in the first place: Elli the Elephant (found HERE) and Julie the Dino (found HERE

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Keep an eye out for the rest (coming soon!)


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