Thursday, November 5, 2015

DIY Cloth Diaper Inserts (Fortune Cookie Fold)

Some people feel very strongly about using only disposables or only cloth diapers.
I'm somewhere in the middle (see bottom of post for pros and cons!)
I was very pregnant and decided to buy my fabric at Jo-Anns early Black Friday morning. Well, turns out they didn't have the material I was looking for (bamboo fleece) but this awesome Military Mom heard me and told me she used microfiber for her cloth diapers for her two boys (THANKS YOU Military Mom !!!)

Tip: even if you don't have a Sam's club you can still get a one day pass from their website! ;) 

I used a $8 sheet from Walmart for the fabric covering the microfiber from being against baby's skin.

Fold Microfiber into 3 sections (5" wide and 11" long)

You are only going to sew one side of the edges together (the side that you cut to 11")  so it will fan out while washing & dry well.

I ended up making a "one size fits all"... it has a tighter fit in the smalls (but she was only in Smalls for about a month b/c I used disposables until her cord fell off) but the medium and large inserts are supposed to be the same size anyways.

Here are the pros and cons I came up with:


"Hard to travel with & Disposables are more covenant." 
***Once you get the system down, I found them to be just as quick and convenient- I use disposables when out.

You do have to change diapers a little more often
*** But that means less rashes anyways!
I also wondered about the cost & health concerns with washing them in the washer machine. 
***But rinsing (or putting a liner on top of insert) for dirty poopy diapers before washing them settled that.


Very absorbent

Good for Environment 

Can use for future kids!



AND More Economical: I spent $294 Total. 

The inserts I made are 67¢ per vs. $4 for the gDiaper Insert brand ones.
It is $24 for 48 Microfiber Towels
$8 for the sheet from Walmart

1 year of disposables, averaging $35 a month will total out $420 for the first year. If you have 3 kids and use cloth for all of your kids (assuming they are still in good condition - which mine are so far!) you can save $2226 dollars on diapers!!! (which you'd just be throwing out anyways...) Who want's to spend that much on diapers??? I'd rather use that $ for a trip to Hawaii! :)

Plus, look at that cute little pink diaper!!!!

Whew! Hope that wasn't a mouth full! 

 Feel free to ask any questions.

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