Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tips on How to Throw an Awesome Outdoor Movie Night!

As today is our last day of our 5 Amazing Weeks of Party Tutorials, I wanted the finale to be special. So today I am going to share with you all my tips to having an amazing outdoor movie night!


Above are just a few pictures of the overall event. 

Tip 1! So my first tip is ask people to help! Many hands make light work! The last thing I ever want to do is ask for people to help in events I am heading up (even my wedding :P) 
But (most) people LOVE to help! So if it is too overwhelming, or if the birthday girl you are going to surprise isn't going to be away long enough for you to tackle this by yourself, ask some friends!


If there are just 3 things you need for an Outdoor Movie Night it is these three things. To see how we set our screen up, go here. 

Seating is a pretty big deal in my book. A good, easy solution is using mattresses or futons! We covered ours with coordinating sheets & throw pillows. It worked great, and it gave it an exotic lounge feeling. If you don't want to get your mattresses dirty, just put a sheet on the bottom too.


Banners are a quick easy way to bring a splash of color into any event. To see how I made my paint chip banner, visit this page.


Lighting can make your event so whimsical!!! By partnering it with some great looking decorations, you can make it look good both during the day and night!

Food is a human right. SO why not play with it and dress it up party style!

Here are all the links to the above collage:


Be creative with your beverages! 


We make it a point to try and invite as many people as we can. Parties are a way to encourage others! While intimate gatherings are wonderful, it is super rewarding to make someone's day by inviting them to your event!


Make sure to have fun things planned for your guest while waiting for it to get dark enough to watch the movie!

So those were my:
Hope it inspired you and gave you some ideas you had never thought of!

It was such a lovely time!

It was hard to take a night shoot that did it justice. It looked amazing!

We had so much fun!

I want to have another Outdoor Movie Night before it gets too cold!

Thanks for stopping by! I have some exciting posts coming up soon!

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